The Benefits of Telehealth Therapy/Online Counseling
I use telehealth daily and think it has been a great addition to the mental health world. I have a experience with both telehealth and in-person therapy and I believe they both bring unique benefits to the therapy space. For those unsure about whether telehealth or online counseling might be right for them I thought I would share the benefits that I think can come with the online therapy experience.
Therapy is a commitment to your own well-being and telehealth can eliminate major barriers many of us face in keeping up with life’s endless commitments.
Online therapy can make it easier to fit another appointment in our busy schedules. Therapy is a commitment that is worth it! So making it easier to fit into the puzzles of our routines is a no-brainer. Meeting online eliminates the time pressure of a commute to in-person therapy.
It allows my clients to do therapy in the environment of their choosing. If it feels right to do your sessions in a space that is your own and feels safe or special then you have the ability! Sometimes being able to do difficult work in our own personal spaces is a support to the process.
Accessibility! I love online counseling because it connects me to people and communities that I would otherwise not be able to reach if I relied on brick and mortar alone. The continuation of that is that telehealth therapy gives you as the client more choice and more options when choosing who you trust with your mental health counseling. Where we used to be limited to only who was in our direct vicinity now all of the providers in Washington can work with any client in Washington State!